In the Register of Business Entities, as at 31 December 2023, 108,575 female sole proprietors were registered, who make up 34% of the total number of entrepreneurs (323,128).

Additionally, 40,905 women - founders and owners of shares in companies - were registered. Out of a total of 150,011 persons who are registered as founders and owners of shares, women make up 27.30%.

2,597 women are registered as heads of companies and they make up 25.30% of the total number of directors (10,253), while 29,649 women are registered as authorized representatives. Out of a total of 109,790 registered representatives, women make up 27%.

According to the data on the gender of registered persons, in the period 2019-2023, a slight positive trend in the number of female sole proprietors and women registered as founders, share owners and directors has been recorded. Compared to 2019, in 2023 the number of female sole proprietors, shareholders and directors increased by 0.60%, 1.30% and 1.20%, respectively. This growth is still insufficient to significantly reduce the gap between men and women whose data is kept in the Register of Business Entities. Moreover, women still make up only a third of all sole proprietors, while every fourth registered founder, shareholder or company director is a woman.

The Infographic on the representation of women in business entities shows aggregate data on this topic.

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