Today, the Serbian Business Registers Agency presented a new web portal for data delivery, the purpose of which is to provide the public sector with easier and simpler access to registered data from the Agency's electronic registers and records.

The presentation of the new web portal was attended by representatives from the ministries of finance, economy, construction, transport and infrastructure, mining and energy, information and telecommunications, for human and minority rights and social dialogue, for work, employment, veterans' and social affairs, rural welfare, as well as from the city administration of the City of Belgrade and Novi Sad, the Republic Institute for Statistics of Serbia, the Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime, the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Serbia.

"The project to establish a web portal for the delivery of data to state bodies was started in 2021 with the intention of optimizing existing and developing new digital services, based on which the data needs of a wider range of users in the electronic environment would be more efficiently met," said Milan Lučić, director of the Agency and added that the SBRA has a large set of highly valuable business data, which will be available with the new electronic service in a technologically modern, flexible, simple and fast way, in real time, with the possibility of using various advanced functionalities and smart searches.

The head of the Data Delivery Department, Maja Krneta, gave a presentation to those present, explaining the functionality and use of the new portal and informed them that the portal is, for the moment, available only to state bodies, but that the Agency will, in the future, enable the use of the portal by users from the private sector, for a fee, which would cover the costs of maintenance and further development of this service. "Thanks to digitization and easier access to official data, which are used to make decisions at different decision-making levels, the Agency believes that this new electronic service will be a useful tool in the work of the state administration, and soon of the private sector," concluded Maja Krneta.

20. May 2024. A Notice to Business Entities 30. May 2024. SBRA's Continued Participation in the Projects of the Council of Europe and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency