Until yesterday, the Agency received more than 75,000 financial statements via internet, and 15,000 by post. We remind all legal entities and entrepreneurs subject to the Accounting and Auditing Law who have not filed their annual financial statements for 2011 that the deadline for filing these expires on 29 February 2012. Financial statements are to be submitted to the Agency exclusively by registered mail to the following address: Serbian Business Registers Agency, Brankova 25, 11000 Belgrade, to the respective PO Boxes, regardless of whether they were drafted in writing or in the Agency’s apposite software program. We note that the financial statements drawn up in the Agency’s software program should first be submitted online – through the appropriate web service, and then by regular mail as well – in the form of printed financial statement forms signed by the submitter’s authorized representative.Legal entities and entrepreneurs required to file financial statements for 2011 also have to attach a request for the registration of financial statements to these financial statements, along with proof of payment of the registration fee, while those that are not required to register in the registers kept by SBRA should also submit a notarized signature of the authorized representative on the OP Form, if this was not delivered earlier.The date of submittal of the financial statement to the post office, i.e. the date stamped by the post on the postal item is considered as the date of receipt of the financial statement by the Agency. All additional information on the receipt and processing of financial statements for 2011, on the current status of filed financial statements but also on late-filing, no-filing or irregular-filing penalties are published on this website in the Financial Statements and Solvency Register section. The Agency’s Call Centre is available for all additional information by phone at: (011) 2023 350. 

07. February 2012. Important notice for users of SBRA’S online data search on legal entities 27. February 2012. Deadline nearing for re-registration of sport organizations, endowments and foundations