In the past six months the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) website registered 2,239,393 visitors.

Website visitors mostly used the data search options, so that 1,196,598 company data searches were recorded and 472,180 searches of registered data on entrepreneurs in the Company Register’s single electronic database.

Data search on registered financial leasing contracts was performed by 30,375 users, while information about registered pledges over movable assets and rights was sought by 36,489 users.

After the home page and data search, the highest number of hits was recorded in the Q&A section, with regard to company and business registration, and to the operation of the Company Register, within which companies and entrepreneurs are evidenced. These pages have recorded 61,856 visits in the entrepreneurs’ information section and 31,771 visits in the company information section.

The section devoted to financial statements has also recorded a large amount of traffic (34,426 hits), followed by the section with laws, regulations and by-laws (31,977 visits) and section with electronic data (29,485 visits), which the Agency delivers to interested users under certain conditions.

From month to month, the Agency is recording increasing traffic on its website. This is an incentive to further improve and upgrade the website, which is a kind of service for all business entities, banks, media and other interested users, who rely on the accuracy of this publicly available information from the electronic registers of the Serbian Business Registers Agency.

18. July 2008. Financial Leasing Register Statistics for the first six months 15. August 2008. SBRA’s Pledge Register marks its three year anniversary