The value of financial leasing contracts in Serbia amounts to more than EUR 2.6 billion. In the first six months of this year, 6,345 new leasing agreements were signed, which is 30 per cent less than in the same period last year. In a statement to Beta, Tanja Vukotić-Marinković, Registrar at the Financial Leasing Register, said that a growth in the number of leasing contracts has been marked in 2Q of 2008.

Vukotić-Marinković said that leasing is still most frequently used for buying cars, although the share of these contracts in the total amount of leasing contracts dropped to 40 per cent from 55.4 per cent recorded in the same period last year.

Leasing of household appliances decreased in the first half of 2008. The drop in the number of household appliance leasing contracts was recorded after the decision of the National Bank of Serbia to limit the minimal leasing contract amount to EUR 2,000, said the Registrar in the Financial Leasing Register.

According to her, the share of household appliances leasing contracts in the overall number of “active” contracts, registered in the Financial Leasing Register amounts to 18.2 per cent.

SBRA receive requests for registration of financial leasing contracts from 17 leasing companies. Hypo-Alpe-Adria leasing, Raiffeisen leasing and VB leasing have the largest number of registered contracts.

On June 30, there were 63,148 active financial leasing contracts.

02. July 2008. New digital answering system at SBRA’s call center 25. July 2008. Press release regarding SBRA web traffic recorded in the first 6 months