The Registrar of the Register of Bidders, which is kept by the Serbian Business Registers Agency, informs all those interested in registering in the Register of Bidders or obtaining a certificate of the non-existence of the grounds for exclusion from the public procurement procedure, that all the documentation prescribed by the Public Procurement Law required to prove the non-existence of the grounds for exclusion from the public procurement procedure shall be obtained ex officio as of Monday, 6 July 2020.

It follows from the above that in order to apply for registration in the Register of Bidders or obtain a certificate of the non-existence of the grounds for exclusion from the public procurement procedure, it is necessary to submit an appropriate registration application, i.e. an application form and proof of payment of the prescribed fee for the registration procedure.

26. June 2020. The Serbian economy has operated positively in the last five years, yet greater liquidity and better discipline are needed to improve its performances 02. July 2020. Deletion of non-compliant bidders from the SBRA’s Register of Bidders