Public enterprises recorded more successful operating results in 2020 compared to the previous year. Specifically, they achieved a positive net result of RSD 29.6 billion last year, while in 2019 they operated with a loss of RSD 3.6 billion.

In performing their core activities, public enterprises realized a 2.4 times higher business result compared to the previous year, which amounted to RSD 45.8 billion in 2020.

While public enterprises reported a positive result from financing (RSD 7.6 billion), which was 2.3 times higher than in 2019, their other activities resulted in a loss of RSD 15 billion, which was lower by 34.6% compared to 2019.

The decreasing trend of the number of employees in public enterprises continued (1,194 fewer workers than in 2019).

In terms of their size, in 2020, there were 29 large public enterprises, 97 medium-sized, 251 small and 168 micro-enterprises. Large public enterprises employed 73,495 workers, medium-sized 21,558, small 17,458, while micro-enterprises had 1,940 employees.

Large enterprises achieved a net result of RSD 30.2 billion, medium-sized ones - RSD 0.5 billion, while small and micro enterprises achieved a negative net result of RSD 0.9 billion and RSD 0.2 billion, respectively.

Other data is available in the infographic – Financial Results of Public Enterprises in 2020.

26. May 2021. More than half of the positive net result was achieved by companies from the Belgrade region, whereas the region of Southern and Eastern Serbia achieved the most dynamic growth of profitability 18. June 2021. Registration of financial leasing contracts is getting closer to the 2019 level