As at 31 May 2021, there were 58,403 active financial leasing contracts in the Financial Leasing Register maintained by the Serbian Business Registers Agency, totalling EUR 1.8 billion in value. Even 5,965 contracts were registered in the first five months of this year, totalling EUR 179.7 million in value.

The number of registered financial leasing contracts has increased this year by 48.2% compared to the first five months of last year when the declared state of emergency due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic hampered regular business operations and investments of the domestic economy. In 2020, 4,024 financial leasing contracts were registered, totalling EUR 117.9 million in value.

The Register’s data for the first five months of this year indicate that financing through leasing has been slowly returning to the level of the same period of 2019 when 7,016 contracts were registered. The value of financial leasing contracts registered in the observed period of this year is only 2% lower than the value of contracts registered during the same period of the year before to the pandemic.

The structure of the leased objects registered in 2021 shows that passenger vehicles account for 54.2%, being followed by trucks (25%), other types of vehicles (14.5%), machinery and equipment (6%), while real estate is represented in 0.3% of the registered financial contracts.

According to the “2020 Financial Statements Annual Bulletin” data, 332 workers were employed with 13 financial leasing companies in 2020. Assets of the said group of financial institutions totalled RSD 114,304 million last year. Their total capital amounted to RSD 8,293 million, while they recorded a positive result of the period in the amount of RSD 371.7 million.

Other data on this topic is displayed in the Infographic – Increased number of registered financial leasing contracts, which can be downloaded from the Agency's website.

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