Amendments to the Rulebook on the terms and method of ranking the travel organizer’s license in different categories, the method of changing the license category, the content of the application for issuance and renewal of the license, as well as the terms and method of issuing the solemn form of the license (Official Gazette of the RS, Nos. 81 of 15 November 2019, 137 of 13 November 2020, 62 of 17 June 2021), effective as of 25 June 2021, change the method of classifying the tourist travel organizers’ licenses into categories.

In the future and depending on the place of realization of tourist travel, the Serbian Business Registers Agency will be issuing a category A license to tourist agencies that organize, realize and sell tourist travels in the country and abroad, or a category B license to tourist agencies that organize tourist travels in the country.

Besides, the amendments to the Rulebook on the type, amount and terms of travel insurance policy, the amount of the deposit depending on the license category, method of activation, the purpose of funds, as well as other terms that must be met by the travel organizer (Official Gazette of the RS, Nos. 124 of 16 October 2020, 137 of 13 November 2020, 62 of 17 June 2021) prescribe the minimum amounts of insurance policy coverage limits to be provided by the travel organizer in the licensing procedure, depending on the license category and the amount of turnover.

Amendments to the Rulebook on the content of the Tourism Register (Official Gazette of the RS, Nos. 55 of 1 June 2012, 4 of 22 January 2016, 81 of 15 November 2019, 13 of 14 February 2020, 62 of 17 June 2021) stipulate that the data on the recipient of the bank guarantee shall be subject to registration. Consequently, that data item will also be registered in the Tourism Register in the future.

Licenses issued under the provisions of the regulation that was in force until the date of entry into force of the afore-mentioned rulebooks will be valid until the termination of fulfilment of the terms under which they were issued, in terms of validity of the license and issued travel insurance policy.

Organizers holding a license and valid insurance policies can obtain new licenses until their registered insurance policies expire, but they are not required to do so.

The travel organizer that was issued a license based on the bank guarantee issued under the provisions of earlier regulations shall be required to align its business operations within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the Rulebook prescribing the terms and method of ranking the license, and in particular concerning the prescribed terms for the recipient of the bank guarantee.

Tourist agencies-travel organizers, which hold a valid license but have not provided the prescribed travel insurance policy by the date of entry into force of the Rulebook, are required to align their business operations with the provisions of the Rulebook prescribing the terms and method of ranking of the license, within 30 days of the date of entry into force of this Rulebook. Otherwise, the Registrar will strike them off the Tourism Register ex officio.

18. June 2021. Registration of financial leasing contracts is getting closer to the 2019 level 28. June 2021. The deadline for the submission of regular annual financial statements for 2020 shall expire on 30 June 2021