In the first six months of this year, a total of 76,169 requests were received through the Central Records of Unified Procedures (CRIP) information system, a unique, central, public electronic database containing all cases formed in response to requests for permits for construction, expansion, and reconstruction of buildings. During this period, there was a 5.79% increase in requests received through this system compared to the same period in 2022.

The newly released infographic provides a comparative overview of various types of requests received during the period of January to June 2023 and January to June 2022, as well as an overview of users, i.e. institutions whose employees process the received requests and conduct the unified procedure within the CRIP system.


09. August 2023. Companies’ Profitability by Their Size 02. October 2023. Improved Service "eRegistration of Business Entity Incorporation" Enabling Simultaneous Recording of the Beneficial Owner