In the first three months of 2024, 1,715 pledges on movable property and rights were registered, securing claims in the amount of EUR 3,641,701,995.89.

Among the pledged items, 35.37%, are claims rights, shares in companies and other property rights. Unlike the previous period, in which vehicles, machines and equipment were the most represented, in the last three years there has been a constant growth of registered pledges in which the subject of the pledge are claims, shares and other property rights. They participated with 19.50% in the structure of pledge items in 2021, in 2022 that will be increased to 29.95%, and in 2023, it will reach as much as 30.06%.

In 2023, contractual pledges accounted for 95.62% of all registered pledges, legal pledges 2.14%, court pledges created in the enforcement process 2.07%, while pledges created on the basis of contracts with transfer to the state only made up 0.17% of registered pledges.

Among the pledgers registered in 2023, companies make up 52.61%, natural persons 39.76%, entrepreneurs 6.34%, while 1.29% are entities that do not fall into any of the mentioned categories.

The relatively small number of annotations entered in 2023 points to the conclusion that debtors in most cases regularly settle their obligations and that foreclosures on property, on which a pledge has been established, are relatively rare in practice.

In the Register, as a central electronic database, pledges on movable property and rights and contracts for the sale of movable property with retention of title are entered to secure the seller's claim until the price is paid in full.

Other data from the Pledges Register can bee seen on the Infographic.

02. April 2024. Receipt of Regular Annual Financial Statements for 2023 Has Been Successfully Completed 18. April 2024. Release of the Map of the Regional Development Measures and Incentives Register